Friday, 9 August 2013

Dr Tucker, I ******* presume? A work in progress.

I post this as a first stage marker for my "Dr Who 50th" tribute. This is the linework I've been sweating over for the last two weeks. The doctor/doctor's have been done so many times finding a new angle is tough, the choosing of Peter Capaldi, as Doctor 12, gave me an "IN".
I hope "Whovians" and "Non-Whovians" alike warm to it, the finished version will be up in a few weeks time.

Excelsior Out!!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Blurb display remarkable good taste!

Yes folks, "Excelsior's Savage Pencil" has made the staff picks slot on Blurb's website! They were extremely complementary about the work, after discovering it on Twitter, and were nice enough to feature it.
Shout out to Laura at Blurb for the big up!!

Here's the link:

Excelsior Out!