Ladies and Gents, I give you the completion of my "Three Colours Critique" trilogy...the staff of Empire Magazine. Beginning with Messrs Kermode and Mayo, then the mighty Kim Newman, the trilogy life's work realised, and combines my love of cinema with my facility for caricature.
To judge the accuracy of my work I suggest you visit Empire's excellent magazine/website (see what I did there) and check out these wondrous writers, and their terrific prose.
I think they're decent likeness' corralled in a reasonable in-joke.
I hope all concerned are flattered rather than appalled. I know, from Twitter, that Olly Richards was a little apprehensive at being given the "Excelsior" treatment.
It is meant in good natured tribute and, hand on heart, it's from an "Empire" reader who has been with the magazine from issue one. More power to your keyboard pounding lady and gentlemen, it's never less than a compelling read.
Excelsior Out!