Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Excelsior is a Deviant!

Your very own Excelsior is now a deviant...artist that is. I plan to put most of my stuff onto this site...meaning you can own prints, mouse mats, canvas's, coasters even jigsaw puzzles of the nonsense contained here!

Happy Trails!

Excelsior Out!

All stuff available to buy as print, and other merchandise, at: 

Monday, 4 March 2013

It's Alive! IT'S ALIVE....on I-Tunes.

Sorry kids, this never gets old!

Click this link to order:  http://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/id602580218

Excelsior Out!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Excelsior bites Apple!!

Excelsior's Savage Pencil is now available on I-Tunes, and to think I'm not even that good a singer!

Please click, or copy & paste, this link.


Excelsior Out!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Another Day, Another Die Hard! Not a Patch On The First One!

Available to buy as print, and other stuff, at: 

If there's one thing Hollywood loves more than a sequel...it's a whole bunch of sequels! While the merits of the first "Die Hard" are beyond question, the sequels have proven Hollywoods law of diminishing returns. 
I don't begrudge Bruce a pension plan but every time he puts on that vest we go "Maybe this time the magic is coming back?'...and it doesn't!
There's a line in the fourth one where he and Justin Long talk about what makes him "that guy", which is great, and totally on the money; but nothing has matched the savvy savagery and whip smart one liners of the first, wondrous outing.
As number five looms we wonder again, "Maybe this time?"...hhhmmm, 12A, director of "Max Payne" and Willis Jr in tow...what do you think?

Excelsior Out!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Miranda's Mighty Boosh!!

This image was created to appear on The British Comedy Guide website, as Miranda and The mighty Boosh tied in their "Who should Paul Draw Next?" poll.

Needless to say I'm a big fan of both "turns", such fun!!

Excelsior Out!

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Star Trek into Dorkness

At last the truth about Benedict Cumberbatch's role in JJ's new "Star Trek" movie...NOT!

Excelsior Out!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Ladies and Gentleman...Excelsior's Savage Pencil is PUBLISHED!

Update: The Blurb site now has an E-Book version, available to download for 99p


Copy and paste the above link into your browser, to purchase my first book; a retrospective of my many caricatures. Above are some shots of the printed book. Check out the preview window below.

I hope you you all enjoy it.

Excelsior Out!