Monday, 17 December 2012

Tell us another one, George!

And so the net result of years of austerity is? The need for MUCH MORE AUSTERITY!! Osborne et al are hiding among the usual forest of excuses: global slow down/Labour mistakes/massive overspending etc but the real question is: Are we to be sacrificed on the hubris soaked, ego-altar of a failed economist? It would seem we are.

All advice Osborne has been given, that contradicts his current path, he has chosen to ignore. Right from the get go the cry was "Too Much/Too Soon"; growth needs nurturing not ignoring. To see growth as an inevitable by product of massive cuts is a dangerous fantasy to persist in. The much trumpeted 1% growth recently was entirely down to "special circumstances" (Jubilee/Olympics etc) and IN NO WAY a reflection on government policy. The only reason "triple dip" isn't the current buzzword, is that those who are about to cause it DARE NOT SPEAK IT"S NAME!

Make no mistake Osborne, and his gang of imbecile's, are frogmarching us toward disaster. The ballot box will have to act as our saviour and that day cannot come soon enough.

What I want to know is: Does George Osborne actually think that John Maynard Keynes is the guy who invented WINE GUMS?

Excelsior Out!

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