Thursday, 15 December 2016

Welcome to The People's Republic of WITTERTAINIA!

In the light of the world's current political meltdown we need a country of our own. Somewhere that represents our values, our interests, our inherent love of Jason Isaacs. The great Witterpedia has the answer…the newly formed island province (probably in the Aegean Sea) of WITTERTAINIA!! I was asked to contribute currency designs (see attached) and I thought I would contribute a "Welcome to..." sign, done in a style to honour a certain "Old Trot"…a political leaning I share with the good doctor.
I hope Wittertainers everywhere take this on board and begin the clamour to gain political recognition for our little slice of cinematic heaven!!


Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Save us from Trumpville!!

The final colour piece of my attempt to insult one of the most ignorant, divisive lunatics ever to occupy the Oval Office. God help us all!!!

Excelsior Out!!

Friday, 18 November 2016


In the light of the Socio-Political disaster that we are all currently "enjoying" I cannot stand idly by without comment. So here it is...the rough pencil/tone version of my response to Brexit/Trumpville. Finished version to follow...and may God have mercy on our souls!!

Excelsior out!!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

FANTV...The Lunatics have taken over the asylum!!

My caricature tribute to the guys and gals of FanTV! Tom and I were on Toby Tarrant's show on October 21st...and throughly enjoyed it! We'll be on again this Friday (November 11th) talking about Newcastle United and England!

Sky channel 212 Freeview 524

Excelsior out!!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

VISIONARIES: Sometimes a strange notion...

Above is the pencil rough for, the first piece, in a project I'm calling "Visonaries". With it I intend to caricature my favourite directors, and their work. 

I'm starting with the great Guillermo Del Toro; in the image he is cradling his latest, multi tentacled, creation which is, in turn, reaching out to others of Guillermo's cannon.

Excelsior Out!!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Jason and the ARGUENAUTS

Suggested by a photoshop meme by the devoted Wittertainer @Witterpedia_net, the above piece is a mash up of three of my favourite things: Wittertainment (naturally), Jason Isaacs (hello, of course) and the late, great, Mr Ray Harryhausen.
Hope all concerned get a giggle out of it and thanks to @Witterpedia_net for a kick ass idea.

Excelsior Out!!

Monday, 10 October 2016

The Doctor is IN!!

In preparation for the release of Marvel's "Dr Strange" movie I have completed my caricature tribute. I cannot adequately express how excited I am by this movie, as the good doctor was always one of my favourites growing up. Steve Ditko's mind boggling visuals and Stan Lee's cod Shakespearean epithets really blew my impressionable mind. This creative comic powerhouse gives Scott Derrickson and co a mountain to climb in order to do the character justice. However everything I've seen to do with this movie has soothed my troubled nerves…it looks AWESOME!!!!
I urge one and all to dash out and see it when it materialises on October 28th.

Excelsior Out!!