Wednesday, 25 September 2013
One Direction : the Caricature
Here it is folks, as promised, One Direction : The Caricature. Hope you like it!
Co-Credit for the design goes to my daughter Grace, who suggested the "signature outfit" theme.
Excelsior Out!
Update: This image now available to buy, as prints and various merchandise, at:
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Happy 50th Doc!!!
Ladies and gents, I give you my humble tribute to one of the greatest, most influential and inventive television programmes of all TIME (see what I did there?), BBC's "Doctor Who".
In Peter Capaldi they have a genius actor, of scope and style, who will, believe you me, take us all out of a whole new door!
Excelsior Out!
Update: This image is now available to buy, as a print and other merchandise, at my Deviant Art page.
Copy and paste this link:
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
1Direction...the caricature. Gulp! It's a pencil rough of work in progress
I know how passionate the fans are and so post this with some trepidation. Like I say, it's a work in progress so go easy on me.
Go 1D!!!
Excelsior out!
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Go completely "MOTTY" for the day!
Here's a logo I designed for the great Barry Swain, football commentator extraordinaire! My son Thomas has a burning ambition to work as a commentator when he graduates, and Barry helped him take his first step. Thomas had a day at Barry's "Football Commentary Workshop" and loved it.
Barry, ably assisted by Karl Bates (caricature to follow soon) also an experienced commentator, organises a live commentary day at which people can commentate on a series of live 5-a-side matches played out over "The Commentators Cup" competition.
Tom found the whole experience exhilarating and inspiring. Indeed, it has given him so much confidence that he (and his friend David) will be providing the "Fan Commentary" for this Saturday's home game at Sutton United.
I drew this caricature of Barry as a thank you for the day and, he liked it so much, it is now a part of his website (see link below), along with a banner linking to this very site.
It's a great day and I urge all those with an interest in Football Commentary to sign up forthwith.
Excelsior Out!
Barry, ably assisted by Karl Bates (caricature to follow soon) also an experienced commentator, organises a live commentary day at which people can commentate on a series of live 5-a-side matches played out over "The Commentators Cup" competition.
Tom found the whole experience exhilarating and inspiring. Indeed, it has given him so much confidence that he (and his friend David) will be providing the "Fan Commentary" for this Saturday's home game at Sutton United.
I drew this caricature of Barry as a thank you for the day and, he liked it so much, it is now a part of his website (see link below), along with a banner linking to this very site.
It's a great day and I urge all those with an interest in Football Commentary to sign up forthwith.
Excelsior Out!
Friday, 9 August 2013
Dr Tucker, I ******* presume? A work in progress.
I post this as a first stage marker for my "Dr Who 50th" tribute. This is the linework I've been sweating over for the last two weeks. The doctor/doctor's have been done so many times finding a new angle is tough, the choosing of Peter Capaldi, as Doctor 12, gave me an "IN".
I hope "Whovians" and "Non-Whovians" alike warm to it, the finished version will be up in a few weeks time.
Excelsior Out!!
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Blurb display remarkable good taste!
Yes folks, "Excelsior's Savage Pencil" has made the staff picks slot on Blurb's website! They were extremely complementary about the work, after discovering it on Twitter, and were nice enough to feature it.
Shout out to Laura at Blurb for the big up!!
Here's the link:
Excelsior Out!
Monday, 29 July 2013
The Sweet smell of...
"Clerks" has put me in a BW mood. That, coupled with my love of "Old Hollywood", has produced this tribute to Alexander Mackendrick's fabulous, waspish deconstruction of the American entertainment industry..."Sweet Smell of Success".
Derided, and vilified, at the time it died a quiet death at the box office. Much talk of "Pinko Sensibilities" and "Feeding Hands being Bitten" ensued; it has since (of course) been elevated to the status of a classic.
If it has eluded you thus far then remedy that asap. Lancaster and Curtis burn up the screen, it one of the most savage relationships in cinema history.
Excelsior Out!
Friday, 26 July 2013
They're not even supposed to be here today!!
I post this as a nod to, the legends that are, Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson...Dante and Randal in Kevin Smith's seminal slackerfest "Clerks". Armed with Smith's bristling wit they slouch, moan and yuk their way through an average day at the Quickstop. They handle everything from a flyblown,cancerous lung on the counter to a dead (formerly masturbating) customer in the john, with a low rent panache that never fails to bring the funny.
The movie remains, by far, the best study of hopeful souls trapped by hopeless situations. Drifting along, intelligent enough to recognise the squalor of their situation, but lacking the faith in themselves to make that break for freedom. Dante's miserable, oppressed dreamer is distracted (and fuelled) by Randal's razor sharp, customer baiting's one of cinemas most pleasing double acts. Indeed, when Randal finally snaps at Dante's incessant whining there is real emotion there. His berating of Dante's procrastinating hand-wringing has a real depth...unexpected (but no less welcome) for a "low brow" comedy. We really hear Randal's pain, his flinty cynicism slipping for the first and only time, and we also hear his evident love for his friend...a standout moment for Jeff Anderson here.
If you haven't seen it...WHY? Get thee to the Quickstop instantaneously and luxuriate in the wonder of "The Milk Maids" "Jay and Silent Bob" and "The Asian design Major"... it'll all make sense when you get there!
Excelsior Out!
Monday, 22 July 2013
Attack of the 50ft Comic Book Men!!!
And here it is, drum roll please, the final colour version. Showing you the process I go through to produce this nonsense.
Excelsior Out!
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
I've altered this to be a tribute to series 3 of the mighty "Sherlock", in recognition of the endless hours of fangirl worship my daughter Grace has expended upon him.
One day she'll pluck up the nerve to ask him for an autograph.
Mr C, hope you are enjoying the "most favoured actor" status now afforded to deserve it on talent alone.
Please get your agent pitching Marvel movies to cast you as "Dr Strange" (see my post "Strange days indeed") a brilliant role in which you would shine...and you get to knock heads with your mate Tom, as Loki!!
Excelsior Out!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
"Comic Book Men A-Go-Go" Work in progress.
Final Pencil Stage2
First Pencil Rough Stage1
This post is a first for me, I'm doing it step by you can see how both the drawing and layout evolve. Kevin Smith's "Comic Book Men" is one of my favourite shows. I recently made a connection, on Twitter, with Rob Bruce (pictured here lower right) the shows cultural expert, who said that the guys would dig a caricature of themselves.
They are all such brilliant, and diverse, characters it seems natural to put them in a super heroic setting. I have them here being chased down by a atomically enlarged Bryan Johnson as "Apathy Man"; to whom they all respond in their own unique way.
Here are the first two stages, next comes the inked line (which I will post when complete) and finally the glorious colour. Hope you, and they, like it.
Excelsior Out!
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Daaaa-da, daaaa-da...dum-dum,dum-dum,dum-dum,dum-dum.....etc.
Pictured above is my humble tribute to one of the greatest motion pictures ever made, "Jaws".
The timeless, classy menace on display here has never's as relentlessly entertaining now as it was the day it was released. It's legendarily troubled production history (documented superbly in "The Shark is still Working", available on the BluRay release) did not diminish it's impact or legacy one jot.
Graced with three of the finest acting performances ever to fill the silver screen. The triumvirate of Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider and the impish Richard Dreyfuss, create a believable chemistry amid the mayhem. Their studied, pin sharp performances leap from the screen and command one's attention, especially in the quieter passages.
As an entity, "Jaws" grabs it's audience by the throat and, by turns, throttles and beguiles them into believing every step of this monumental odyssey. Even when the, patently fake, shark does appear...we're still chilled to the bone, such is the mastery of Spielberg's craft. That he was not even nominated as Best Director at the 48th Academy Awards is a travesty of the highest order.
"Jaws" is a testament to art of old Hollywood...striving to tell a great story no matter what the odds. An art that has been subsumed, in recent years, in favour of brainless bombast that numbs the senses and confounds the emotions.
That it was made at all is a miracle, that it was made so well...ah, that's Mr Spielberg folks!
Excelsior Out!
Friday, 21 June 2013
Sweet Caroline
With the great Ray Harryhausen leaving us recently my mind has been wandering back through his classic movies. I have a special place in my affections for "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad" for a variety of reasons. Ray's outstanding work comprise most of them, but the stunning Caroline Munro also looms large. She is, without doubt, my first crush.
As a kid I remember seeing her on Lamb's Navy Rum posters and thinking "Hmmmm...who's that girl?". Then later, seeing her light up the screen as slave girl Margiana, I was hooked forever. She continues to captivate, even today, with a timeless modern beauty that successive generations of movie goers will fall for, again and again.
A staple of the festival/convention circuit I hope she feels the love out there for her, and finds joy in the high regard in which she's held. I know that the impact she had on the 12 year old me was profound, and wonderful, and for that I thank her profusely.
Excelsior out!
As a kid I remember seeing her on Lamb's Navy Rum posters and thinking "Hmmmm...who's that girl?". Then later, seeing her light up the screen as slave girl Margiana, I was hooked forever. She continues to captivate, even today, with a timeless modern beauty that successive generations of movie goers will fall for, again and again.
A staple of the festival/convention circuit I hope she feels the love out there for her, and finds joy in the high regard in which she's held. I know that the impact she had on the 12 year old me was profound, and wonderful, and for that I thank her profusely.
Excelsior out!
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
A Titan has walked among us.
When the father of modern special effects, and the architect of my childhood imagination, dies it's a "stop all the clocks" moment, as far as I'm concerned.
The uniquely great Ray Harryhausen died on the 7th May this year, aged 92.
He stands alone in modern cinema as an auteur, innovator, craftsman, technician and dreamer. A special effects master whose name alone could sell a picture. In that respect he's up there with Hitchcock, both their visual stamps can be recognised from viewing a mere handful of frames from any of their oeuvre. This, coupled with his multi-generational influence on filmmakers, technicians and artists the world over, make his contribution to the fabric of cinematic universe virtually incalculable.
Watching the brilliant new documentary "Ray Harryhausen:Special Effects Titan" (in which every major film maker in the last 30 years get down on their knees and worship him) you are struck by just how much of a singular operation Ray's was. From designing and building the creatures (and sets) to operating his own camera and effecting his own in camera matte work; his artistic vision infused absolutely every frame of film.
The kids and I met him at a book signing in 2003 (see phone pic attached). We waited patiently in a long line of devotees. When our turn came I was shaking, heart pounding. I shook his hand and thanked him for my career as a professional Illustrator. A quizzical look from Ray, at first, but then I explained that the first things I ever drew, as a child, were his creatures. He was delighted and as gracious as you would imagine him to be.
When we left the Cinema Store, on St Martin's lane, it was a few moments before I realised that I'd been crying, that was the power of the man and his work. I weep for him still.
In the coming months the movie business had better collectively doff it's cap...or it'll have me to answer to.
Thank you Ray...thank you so very very finer more wonderous nor humble artist ever lived.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
One Man against the Tide!
Here is the conclusion of my "Triptych Un Tainment du Witter" that began last year with "Look, this is the point". It deals with Mark's ongoing battle against the "3D Revolution" (Hmmm) and further chronicles Simon's continued withering distain (albeit good natured) for Mark's crusade.
It also charts my continuing struggle to capture the essential "Mayoness" of Simon (this one being the closest I've come to a home run) while Mark continues to be, what we refer to as, a "caricaturists gift" the nicest way possible.
Great show guys and...10 more years?
Excelsior Out!
Monday, 25 March 2013
Han Solo Meio!!
My take on J.J's first casting session for "Han Solo: The Retcon Years" eclectic turn out, to be certain. Who would you choose? Ryan Gosling? Josh Hutcherson? Bradley Cooper? This is a guessing game that will stretch out before us for the next 3 years or so.
Answers on a postcard please to: J.J Abrams, Disney Studios, Hollywood, California...yeah, like he hasn't got enough to do!
Excelsior Out!!
Monday, 4 March 2013
It's Alive! IT'S ALIVE....on I-Tunes.
Sorry kids, this never gets old!
Click this link to order:
Excelsior Out!
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Excelsior bites Apple!!
Excelsior's Savage Pencil is now available on I-Tunes, and to think I'm not even that good a singer!
Please click, or copy & paste, this link.
Excelsior Out!
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Another Day, Another Die Hard! Not a Patch On The First One!
Available to buy as print, and other stuff, at:
If there's one thing Hollywood loves more than a's a whole bunch of sequels! While the merits of the first "Die Hard" are beyond question, the sequels have proven Hollywoods law of diminishing returns.
If there's one thing Hollywood loves more than a's a whole bunch of sequels! While the merits of the first "Die Hard" are beyond question, the sequels have proven Hollywoods law of diminishing returns.
I don't begrudge Bruce a pension plan but every time he puts on that vest we go "Maybe this time the magic is coming back?'...and it doesn't!
There's a line in the fourth one where he and Justin Long talk about what makes him "that guy", which is great, and totally on the money; but nothing has matched the savvy savagery and whip smart one liners of the first, wondrous outing.
As number five looms we wonder again, "Maybe this time?"...hhhmmm, 12A, director of "Max Payne" and Willis Jr in tow...what do you think?
Excelsior Out!
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Miranda's Mighty Boosh!!
This image was created to appear on The British Comedy Guide website, as Miranda and The mighty Boosh tied in their "Who should Paul Draw Next?" poll.
Needless to say I'm a big fan of both "turns", such fun!!
Excelsior Out!
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Star Trek into Dorkness
At last the truth about Benedict Cumberbatch's role in JJ's new "Star Trek" movie...NOT!
Excelsior Out!
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Ladies and Gentleman...Excelsior's Savage Pencil is PUBLISHED!
Update: The Blurb site now has an E-Book version, available to download for 99p
Copy and paste the above link into your browser, to purchase my first book; a retrospective of my many caricatures. Above are some shots of the printed book. Check out the preview window below.
I hope you you all enjoy it.
Excelsior Out!
Monday, 14 January 2013
Wittertainers: The Dark Side of the Moan!
Available to buy as print, and other stuff, at:
Happy New Year to one and all! I thought I'd kick 2013 off with another Wittertainment tribute...I call this one "Ode to a new window". It's also part "Scene's we'd like to see" in that Mark is dismantling "Transformers 4" with another Kermodean (or is it Kermodian?) rant. Although Mark's impending kicking by Optimus Prime is, obviously, not something we'd like to see repeated in reality; it felt like a good way to illustrate the perils of having a window.
Happy New Year to one and all! I thought I'd kick 2013 off with another Wittertainment tribute...I call this one "Ode to a new window". It's also part "Scene's we'd like to see" in that Mark is dismantling "Transformers 4" with another Kermodean (or is it Kermodian?) rant. Although Mark's impending kicking by Optimus Prime is, obviously, not something we'd like to see repeated in reality; it felt like a good way to illustrate the perils of having a window.
Simon is patience personified as he waits, and waits...and waits for a natural break in proceedings, that he get things back on track. Kind of sums up their on air relationship, I think.
Let's make this year a red letter one guys, one for the ages. I'm hoping that my book, "Excelsior's Savage Pencil" will see the light of day in the next few weeks and maybe, just maybe, that will be a cause for celebration.
Excelsior Out!
P.S. Mark has promised to fire off a pithy quote for the book's back cover, when his schedule this space.
Update: Both Mark and Simon put their names to a lovely quote, which now takes pride of place on the back of my new book. For which I thank them both profusely.
Update: Both Mark and Simon put their names to a lovely quote, which now takes pride of place on the back of my new book. For which I thank them both profusely.
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